Monday, December 13, 2010

ACT03: How to do quest Machanical Box for use Mini-Pet in TSFree Taiwan

This section will show you how do quest "Machanical Box" that important for play this game.
So the "Machine Box" is the item that allow you to use "Mini-Pet" (Can be found in Mall and Friday's Battle Event).
Mini-Pet will help you to:
- Get more 25% EXP from the battle with Mop.
- Can increase max range between you and mob that you can get Exp to 29 levels.
- VIP character, you don't be disconnected when server is full load players. (*0* Only In my opinion).
Something you should knew about this:
- This quest you can do at starting level 1 character, so don't be wait.
- You will get the "Machine Box" from this quest, but you can use Mini-Pet when you have level 15
That the things which I knew, so let's start the quest.
1. Start with talk to the Kid on the map (WarpCode 12003), talk talk talk and talk...

2. Go outside the town and get inside mountain, then speak with the old-man "UncleLu"  (WarpCode 12402)

3. The old-man will ask you random question, you must answer only on time correct to finish and he will give you the "Luban Scroll" .
***Don't worry if you answer incorrect re-talk again and do it.

4. When you get "Luban Scroll", come back to talk with the Kid again, you will get reward when finish.


If you have any questions, please leave the comments.

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